2007年9月4日 星期二

Information 1)Thieves

What is on your computer and what thieves can do with it
"2)Identity 3)theft" can happen if a 4)criminal has enough of your personal information to make banks or government offices think the criminal is you. 5)Credit card 6)fraud is the main reason criminals 7)commit identity theft. A thief gets banks to send him credit cards, and then you are left to 8)deal with the bills.
1) thief (n.) 賊,小偷 2) identity (n.) 身分 3) theft (n.) 盜竊,偷竊
4) criminal (n.) 犯罪者,罪犯 5) credit card 信用卡 6) fraud (n.) 詐期,欺騙(行為)
7) commit (v.) 犯(罪) 8) deal with 處理

Once identity theft has happened, criminals can do more then just get credit cards in your name. There are many things they can do. They can 9)set up a 10)cell phone in your name. They can open new 11)bank accounts and write 12)checks in your name. If they 13)manage to get a 14)driver's license using your information, they will have photo 15)identification saying they are you. They might even be able to get a 16)loan to buy a car. And once they disappear, you have to 17)figure out what happened and explain it to the banks and police.

9) set up 設立 10) cell phone 手機 11) bank account 銀行帳戶
12) check (n.) 支票 13) manage to 設法做到 14) driver's license 駕照
15) identification (n.) 識別,鑑定,證件 16) loan (n.) 貸款 17) figure out 搞清楚

So how does identity theft happen? Where do criminals get other peoples' personal information? They can steal someone's 18)wallet, or they can take someone's letters from the 19)mailbox. A third way that is becoming popular with criminals is to look through old computer hard drives. People keep important information on their computers, and sometimes that information is still on the computer when they sell it or throw it away.

18) wallet (n.) 錢包 19) mailbox (n.) 信箱

When you 20)delete a 21)file from your computer it might not completely disappear. It is possible to get that information = back. Even if a hard drive has been formatted it is still possible to find old information. Special 22)software should always be used to safely delete information from a computer. Unfortunately, most people don't know that they need to use this software and their personal information becomes 23)available to criminals.

20) delete (v.) 刪除 21) file (n.) 檔案 22) software (n.)【電腦】軟體
23) available (a.) 可得到的,有供應的

When a company goes out of business it might not have enough money to safely delete all the information it has on its computers. When these computers are sold, the information collected by the company becomes available to criminals. This could include information such as credit card numbers, 24)tax records, or home addresses. Even more troubling is that companies sometimes sell personal information, so you can't even be sure who has your information.

24) tax (n.) 稅

So how can people protect themselves from identity theft? First, make sure the mailbox at your home has a lock on it. Second, whenever you sell or throw away an old computer, use special software to 25)properly 26)erase what is on the computer. Finally, think about what companies you give your personal information to. You never know where that information might 27)end up.

25) properly (adv.) 恰當地 26) erase (v.) 擦掉 27) end up 結束,最後的下場是……


2007年9月3日 星期一


空頭多頭?巴菲特教你六大投資必勝心法! 天下雜誌 2007/8/15 第378期




他們堅持要「朝聖」。這天,被稱為「奧馬哈先知」(Oracle of Omaha)、美國股神巴菲特(Warren Buffett)所掌理的波克夏.海瑟威控股公司(Berkshire Hathaway)舉辦年度股東大會。這群巴菲特迷,無論如何都要擠進座位有限的會場,要從股神口中,抓出一絲未來選股、投資的端倪。







名單中不見這些年熱門的高科技股。因為巴菲特從不投資自己不了解的企業,或者在他「競爭優勢圈」(Circle of Competence)外的企業。他所謂的競爭優勢圈,都是自己專精、樂於研究的產業。



心法一 不做賠本生意



心法二 不要陷入盈餘迷思


巴菲特認為,EPS並不能說明什麼,因為它無法反映股東過去投資了多少,然而股東們在一家公司投資愈多,公司盈餘應該要愈多。所以他選擇以ROE衡量企業 獲利能力,也就是每個股東能分到多少公司的毛利。譬如巴菲特持有的可口可樂公司的股票,這家公司的ROE超過三○%、美國運通有三七%。

心法三 判斷未來發展性


他檢測一家公司的體質,是看好它未來二十五年的發展性。芝加哥Ariel資產管理公司主席羅傑斯(John Rogers),在八月份的《美國新聞與世界報導》中指出,「他常說,看事情要從車窗往前看,不是從後照鏡看」。

巴菲特精算企業實質價值(intrinsic value),還有這些企業能否以顯著的價值折扣購得。

像巴菲特今年買進兩家股票表現不佳的美國鐵路公司Burlington Northern和Union Pacific,都是投資人不看好的公司。但這兩家公司今年至今,股數分別增加了一八%和三四%。

心法四 專注有「護城河」的企業

預測未來有風險性,因此巴菲特總是喜歡選擇有寬廣「經濟護城河」(economic moat)的企業。他非常關注一家企業長期的競爭優勢,藉此保障他的預測。


心法五 要下籌碼,就下大一點




心法六 不要害怕等待


巴菲特的法則是,「不要輕易揮棒,要揮棒也不要打到壞球」。他曾經引述美國紅襪隊強棒威廉斯(Ted Williams)的話,「當個好打者,你必須選好球來打」。

遇到真正的好球前,巴菲特寧可緊握現金,也不輕易出手,「他比大多數的投資者都看得清楚,手上有大量現金,並不一定就會減損公司表現,現金是一種策略型資產,」紐澤西基金公司Fairholm Fund共同經理人波可維滋(Bruce Berkowitz)指出。
